Thursday, May 3, 2007

Positive Morron, Illinois hits the Web!

My goal and purpose as Positive Morron is to rid this city of everything that goes against what I, Positive Morron, hold to be true and accurate. I will singlehandedly be your source of positive information however inaccurate and you shall take what I say at face value, no questions asked because I am Positive Morron, the one who knows all and sees all. I will positively perpetuate negative rumors if that's what it takes to rid this city of evil-doers and those who I don't like or agree with, all the while claiming to be positive. I will arrogantly provide false information and later retract it at my will because I am Positive Morron and I know all. The city of Morris and all who reside here shall one day bow before me, Positive Morron. Let the debates begin!

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